Nokia e series models are
Nokia e5x series: e50 e51 e55
Nokia e6x series: e60 e61 e61i e62 e63 e65 e66
Nokia e7x series: e70 e71 e71x e72
Nokia e8x series: e80 e81 e82 e83
Nokia e9x series: e90 e91 e95 e96 e97 e90communicator
If you own any of the phone, then you can try these setting to save on your international calls. I own Nokia e71 and home wi-fi and its really great to call using this feature of Nokia internet telephone, My calls to India get connected faster than the normal cellular call.
These settings are common for all Rynga/dellmot services, just replace from your provider name, in the case of smartvoip or jumblo, You need to replace with or
Please follow these steps
Open the SIP Settings (Tools / Settings / Connection / SIP settings).
Make a profile (something like this, check your phone)
Profile Name: Rynga(You can choose your desired name)
Profile: IETF (keep it at the default)
Access point: (your AP name, like wi-fi or 3G connection)
Public user name: (replace the username with your own username, and the with the one provided by your provider;like etc.)
Use Compression: No
Registration: Always on (or the other one, if you want it to be on-demand)
Use Security: No
STEP 2 - Skip the proxy setting
Proxy Server Address: none
Registrar Server: none
Realm: none
User Name: none
( just skip above step 2)
STEP 3 - Pay attention to Registrar settings
Registrar Server: (afterwards it will show
User Name: username (Instead of username example, use your real username / account number, see step 1)
Password: Your password
Transport Type: UDP
Port: 5060
STEP 4 - Setting up the internet telephony
Tools / Settings / Connection / Internet Tel. Settings
Create a new profile for “VoIP Call (username)”, name it “VoIP Call” (or as you wish)
Choose “My VoIP Profile” as Preferred profile (the profile name you entered in step 1)
You should see successful registration, Now you should be able to make the call, try to call using the internet call facility, if it does not work reboot your phone.
Go to Tools / Settings / Call / Default call type
Select Cellular to make normal calls, Internet to use VoIP to call.
Now you are done..., enjoy the SIP call facility of Nokia phones. Please note that you have to pay for your 3G data plan charged for making this call, but in some case, you also save money by paying your 3G internet connection